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Ultraman Toy Review: Bandai Tamashii Nations Ultra Act Ultraseven Toy Figure

The Ultraseven was the Ultraman that I grew up with in the 80s. I vaguely remember that the Ultraseven series would be broadcasted on TV every afternoon. Each episode was less than 30 mins long and my brother and I would savour every moment of the show.

Even though we came across other Ultramen when we were young, Ultraseven stood out as the more unique one because of his design. 

The Ultra Act Ultraseven Action Figure's  mold looks pretty awesome. I like the design because of the Protector Plates on his chest and shoulders. I never really knew their function as a kid but only when I grew up did I learn that these acted as a sort of solar panel which helped the Ultraseven absorb energy. It was also because of these protectors that the Ultraseven was not constrained by the "three-minute rule". Instead of having a color timer which most Ultramen have on their chest, the Ultraseven has a Beam Lamp on his forehead which blinks to warn him of his low energy level, but not the time that he had left as he was never constrained by time.

The Ultra Act Ultraseven comes with several arm accessories and has this pair of hands which you can use to pull off one of his more signature moves which is the Emerium Ray, fired from the gem on his forehead with two fingers from each hand almost touching the gem. This version of the Ultra Act Ultraseven toy figure does not come with the Beam laser effect.

The "Eye Slugger" on Ultraseven's head can be removed and used as a projectile to hurl at his enemies. This was the ultimate move that I remembered from my childhood. At that time, whenever he removed his Eye Slugger, we knew that was the end of his opponent. In my memory there was not a single time he failed to destroy his opponent with this move and we would always wonder why the Ultraseven did not execute this move right from the start and had to waste time with punches and kicks. Of course, there would not be much of a show then if he always did this.

Other than being used as a projectile, the Eye Slugger can also be held and used as a slashing weapon and the Ultra Act Ultraseven Toy  comes with this Eye Slugger with blue slashing effects which looks pretty cool.

Another interesting accessory is the Wide Shot Beam Effect, which is fired by posing his arms in an L shaped position. Overall the figure looks fantastic and the red colour on this figure does not look like cheap plastic. The only draw back is the separation of the Protector Plates at the shoulders which seem to have too wide a gap and certain positions.

Speaking of gaps at the shoulders, the mantle which the Ultra Act Ultraseven Action Figure comes with does a great job at covering them. I have never seen him wearing such a mantle before when I was young. Can anyone tell me where this is from? The toy itself does look fantastic though.

The Bandai Tamashii Nations Ultra Act Ultraseven Action Figure is available for Sale at Now.


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