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SH Figuarts Dragon Ball Z Kid Son Goku (4 Star Dragon Ball) Toy Review

S.H Figuarts is really starting to get interesting with many characters lined up for release in 2018, starting with the S.H. Figuarts Tienshinhan and the S.H. Figuarts Yamcha. The SH Figuarts Kid Son Goku is also one nice looking figure.

The S.H. Figuarts Dragon Ball Z Kid Son Goku figure is nicely sculpted and has great articulation for lots of fun. A kid Krillin may be an interesting idea to pair up with this figure as they compete with each other in the early days of learning Kamehameha from Master Roshi.

The SH Figuarts Kid Son Goku launches in Jan 2018 and is an important figure for the Dragon Ball Z line, here's why.

SH Figuarts has been quite generous with the Kid Son Goku figure's accessories. First up, we have the Power Pole which can be carried over his back and also wielded in this hands as a weapon. The Power Pole or Compliant Pole can extend and change its length according to the user's will. It would be good if SH Figuarts included another long Pole but I guess I am getting greedy.

The SH Figuarts Kid Son Goku comes with exchangeable hands such as the typical fists and open palms for the Kamehameha pose as well as hands for grasping the Power Pole.

In total,  6 types each of the left and right arm will have interchangeable hands and that is really interesting for many different poses.

Another interesting accessory is the Flying Nimbus or Kintoun in Japanese which is based on the Chinese Classic Journey to the West. The S.H. Figuarts Dragon Ball Z Kid Son Goku figure looks absolutely awesome when posed with the Flying Nimbus accessory.

Three Interchangeable facial expressions are included and this one looks really adorable as Kid Son Goku seems extremely innocent and carefree. Two interchangeable tails are also included so that it can be changed to fit into this pose sitting on the Flying Nimbus. The sitting pose looks very natural and the sculpt looks fantastic.
Finally, the S.H. Figuarts Dragon Ball Z Kid Son Goku figure will come with the 4 Star Dragon Ball accessory and this is big. SH Figuarts has annouced that the Dragon Ball is compatible with the SH Figuarts Shenron figure. Furthermore, subsequent figures will start to carry Dragon Ball Accessories which means we will get to see the completion of the Dragon Balls with the release of 6 more figures.

SH Figuarts Kid Son Goku being the first figure to carry the Dragon Ball accessory is a must get if you aim to complete the Dragon Ball collection in future. Do not miss this figure.

Order the  S.H. Figuarts Kid Son Goku Dragon Ball Z figure from Now.


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